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The Strictly English Spanking Channel Vol 35 – StrictlyEnglishOnline

This edition kicks off with new girl Lauren in her first ever video entitled ‘The Girl with the Spankable Bottom’. Lauren has embezzled cash from her employer. The CEO Mr King has fired her and she will now face potential criminal charges. Her only hope is another director of the company, Steve, who she knows fancies her. She arranges to see Steve at his home to ask for his help. When he tells her there is nothing he can do, she reminds him that he groped her bottom at the Xmas party and sent her inappropriate text messages about her needing a spanking for being late, which she still has. If he does not help her she is going to say that he set it up for her to take the money to buy her silence about the sexual harassment. Steve has no choice so he gets Mr King to agree to offer her the alternative of corporal punishment. When she refuses this option, Steve decides he may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb, and shows her what a spanking is all about. Next is Amelia Jane Rutherford in ‘Access All Areas – Spanked All Day Long’ part 5. Doctor Swales brings his interrogation of Amelia Jane to a conclusion with the cane. Next we return to our other new series ‘Bad Bad Batgirl’. Alfred decides to take off his jacket to continue Batgirl’s marathon spanking. Those tennis girls Mel and Lucy are next. Bent over the table side by side with their white tennis skirts raised up and white panties down they continue to receive a variety of implements firmly applied to their bare bottoms by each of the masters in turn. Finally we return to Lauren who has now been persuaded by Steve to take up the offer of corporal punishment to save her job. They are now joined by Mr King who takes charge of the first of many punishment sessions she must now endure to make due recompense for the money she stole.

Amelia Jane Rutherford, Lauren, Lucy Bailey, Mel Penny, Red

File Name : The Strictly English Spanking Channel Vol 35.mp4
File Size : 1823.39 MB
Resolution : 700×570
Duration : 01:30:37


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