Home / Spanking / Parker’s Hard Funishment – Cherry Cheeks

Parker’s Hard Funishment – Cherry Cheeks

It’s been a while since Parker earned a real punishment (what a good girl)! So this time Miss Sephie decides to give her a good, “funishment”, that is, a punishment for fun! Since they recently received some new implements from a friend, she decided to test then out on Parker’s bottom, to their fullest extent! Pulling down Parker’s panties right away, she starts with the leather fly swatter, swatting Parker’s pale round bottom until it’s pink as a peach! Once she has a nice glow going on, Miss Sephie brings out the bamboo paddle, and they play “25 or break” to see if the paddle will hold out, or it will break! Last of all, as a cool down, Miss Sephie gives Parker a hard hand spanking! Now Parker has a good reason to keep behaving. 🙂

Miss Sephie, Parker

File Name : Parker’s Hard Funishment.mp4
File Size : 1149.82 MB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:08:56


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