Home / Older Men / Younger Woman / My Sweet Little Village (DRM-017) HD 1080p Lupus Dreams

My Sweet Little Village (DRM-017) HD 1080p Lupus Dreams

Dear viewers,

Today, after 11 years of our existence, we’re presenting you a movie which is, not only for you, but also for us – something totally new. We have finally created and shot a story, where a young couple – a girl and a boy – are punished together.

So let’s go together visit a small remote village, where lives a rich landowner with her son, and also poor girl from a cottage with her parents.

Despite the huge social differences those two young people fall in love and everything simply has to end the only one way – all differences disappear in a barn on hay, where the young couple can enjoy a tempestuous sex.

At the most arousing moment, the girl’s mother accidentally enters the barn – grabs her daughter by the ear, and screaming and lamenting, drags her back home. And the boy escapes promptly, though still with his pants down by his knees…

Then at home – a punishment follows: The girl is spanked on her bare bottom, by a heavy strong hand of her father. But the mother still thinks it’s not enough and encourages her husband to add more and more strokes, until the butt of their daughter is all flaming and red as an apple.

And thereafter, the mother sends her husband to the homestead, to tell the landowner what her son has done. She then bursts into the cottage – not believing what has happened. But after the two young people confess, she orders her son to put his pants down, and gives him a proper thrashing in front of everyone. She simply has to show those bumpkins how a traditional upbringing is performed.

It only seems that this might be an end of this story… but suddenly the parents of the poor girl come up with a plan… Their daughter would probably have a better life with this boy – a single inheritor, son of wealthy parents from a homestead, who have so many fields and cows…

So they ostentatiously leave for a visit to their aunt one Sunday, anticipating what is going to happen in their suddenly empty house…

Not surprisingly – the young couple make use of the opportunity – and together enjoy a very tender sex. But suddenly – the girl’s mother suddenly bursts into the room as a bat out of hell!

And this time not only hand executes the punishment – a flexible hazel rod draws red stripes on the two bare bottoms with no mercy, while the poor couple cries in pain.

Is this finally the end? Or…

To find out how this is going to end, see our new movie „My Sweet Little Village“

Deutschland: My Sweet Little Village

Ein kleines verschlafenes Dorf in Russland, ein junges Mädchen wird gnadenlos in der Küche der Eltern gezüchtigt: OTK, Rohrstock

Ihr Fehler: Sex mit einem jungen Mann. Konsequenz: Beide bekommen erbarmungslos den Rohrstock. Der junge Mann auch von seiner mutter, die dazu kommt.

Doch anscheinend hat die Abreibung nicht lange vorgehalten… Diesmal werden die beiden im Bett inflagranti erwischt und werden nackt von der Mutter mit dem Rohrstock abgestraft.

45 min., czech, engl. Untertitel

My Sweet Little Village DRM-017 Full HD 1080p MP4 Lupus Dreams

File Name : DRM-017 My Sweet Little Village HD 1080p.mp4
File Size : 1023.38 MB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:45:22

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