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Lawn care helper’s ass is grass!

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Good lawn care help is hard to find nowadays.. especially when the workers know I have a very high bar and expect it to be met with no exceptions. I took a chance with hiring you, a close family friend. Your habits are a bit questionable, but you had fully reassured me that you would still do a great job and to please give you a chance. I hired you on the condition that you are fully aware you would be soundly spanked if things aren’t done to my satisfaction.

I go outside to check on you. You are supposed to be busy mowing my yard, but instead, I find you’ve had too much to drink and “napping” on my lawn chair! Clearly, I am not impressed with your behavior and decide a demonstration is in order. I proceed to thoroughly scold you. You think that is all, but oh no.. you’re about to endure a very embarrassing and impactful lesson! I have you cut me a switch from off a bush in the backyard. Afterwards, as the other neighbors work diligently in their own yards, you’re made to strip off your shorts and underwear outside with your bare bottom on display. You sheepishly hand them to me. You know what’s coming… we’re going to be swiftly getting to the “seat” to the matter! One way or the other, you’re about to be taught a lesson you won’t soon forget!

Without any warm up, I switch your bottom good until the switch starts to splinter and break. From there, I pull off my flip flop, and apply hard fast swats to your bottom as you squirm over my lap. You start to put your hand back to shield your bottom, but I hold it firm and leg lock you between my powerful legs. From there, I remove the belt from your shorts and further redden your already sore backside as I whip you with your own belt as you kick and beg for forgiveness. To drive my point home, I apply fast, rapid fire swats with my nasty wooden spoon until I feel like I have fully got your attention across your well punished behind to help you learn so you can properly finish the job. Watch to find out if you receive even more belt whippings to keep you further “motivated:! 😉

As always, no specific names mentioned. Includes great domestic discipline elements of: spanking with a switch, OTK spanking, flip flop, belt, wooden spoon, implied threat of exposure.

A must have for your collection!

Enjoy! xo

Katherine Worthington

File Name : Lawn Care Helpers Ass is Grass HD 1080p.mp4
File Size : 875.76 MB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:11:51


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