Home / Spanking / Hand me your Belt, Drop your pants to the floor – Stevie tells you about the Spanking you deserve – I Heart Spankings

Hand me your Belt, Drop your pants to the floor – Stevie tells you about the Spanking you deserve – I Heart Spankings

He obeys slowly, arguing before unbuckling his deck belt and handing it over to Miss Stevie. I don’t deserve the belt, whining complaining

“You will obey me”
walking closer she slaps him smartly across the face

“Unbutton your pants and let them fall to the floor, if you keep talking back we will start on your bare bottom.”
Slowly he obeys
Miss Stevie miss Stevie stands in front of him holding the belt, menacing, threatening, knowing how powerful he she swings, and today she has had enough

I have had enough of your behavior, I’m not going to stand for anymore, I’m going to put you in your place and beat your bottom until you can’t sit for a week, you’ve had this coming for a long time, don’t think you’re going to talk your way out of this one,
Come with me, lay across the bed, you will hold position and take your punishment or I will bare your bottom immediately, if you fight me, I will beat your thighs, do you understand me?

While Miss Stevie is little, she is powerful and knows how to swing the belt with a tireless arm until your deserving bottom is throbbing and purple.

Stevie Rose

File Name : HandmeyourBeltSR.mp4
File Size : 732.22 MB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:08:23

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