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Aunt Chris, Part 1 – Miss Kelley May

Beautiful Princess Kelley and spanking video icon Miss Chris team up in this amazing video set, a graphic, exciting, and very “hands-on” demonstration of domestic discipline at its best.

Kelley is staying at her Aunt Chris’ house for a while. Being a somewhat spoiled young lady, she soon gets on the wrong side of her very dominant aunt when Chris sits down to ask her how things are. Kelley quickly shows her just how things “are” with attitude, boredom, and disrespect. Unfortunately, Aunt Chris is determined to show her just how things are GOING to be.

“Childish behavior will result in childish punishment,” warns her strict aunt, as she hauls her recalcitrant niece across her lap. Kelley’s expression of haughty, jaw-dropped shock has to be seen to be truly appreciated, as Miss Chris’ hard hand slams onto the seat of her thin green dress. Kelley is incredulous, but that matters not at all to her firm-handed Auntie. Kelley manages to keep a tough front as Chris burns her pampered, tender bottom with swat after searing swat. That changes drastically when Chris yanks up her dress to reveal her lovely round bottom, barely contained in her cheeky panties. Chris takes aim for the exposed lower cheeks of Kelley’s smarting buns, and fires away with a stinging volley of spanks that quickly changes the color of Kelley’s rear end and the tenor of her complaints. At first, Kelley is so shocked by her aunt’s actions that she argues loudly, but her arguments soon turn to pleas, her pretty legs kicking, her cheeks blushing. The she makes a big mistake, huge! Her comment “Like Hell!” is greeted with the yanking down of her panties, exposing her positively glowing hindquarters.

No amount of argument or pleading will save poor Kelle’s butt from the blazing spanking that follows. Soon, she is a compliant, respectful, and niece. With several “Yes, Ma’am” responses, she is released, with warnings of harder spankings, grounding from her precious phone, cornertime, and other heinous threats too evil to mention.

Sitting is a difficult proposition, and she has trouble achieving it, one hand carefully rubbing her burning bottom as Miss Chris finishes a sound scolding to the now contrite little brat. Chris dismisses her, and she scrambles out of the room before Chris decides to do anything else to her.

Two of the Scene’s most popular video stars combine and show WHY they are so well-loved in this sizzling new release from SPK Productions!

Kelley May, Miss Chris Grey

File Name : auntchris1low.mp4
File Size : 237.14 MB
Resolution : 640×480
Duration : 00:14:07

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