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A Gymnastics Lesson 2

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Prudence and June want to join the school gymnastics team, but Susie’s not so sure they are the best candidates. Leading them through some basic exercises, it’s clear they don’t have the proper strength, endurance, or motivation. Off come their gym shorts, and both girls are given a healthy dose of painful personal training.

The girls stand before Susie, embarrassed, knickerless, and fearful of what’s next. Susie wields a cane, and instructs Prudence to lift June’s spanked bottom into the air, for an awfully painful test of her endurance. Slicing the air, Susie gives the poor girl six strokes on her red cheeks, and June’s long legs kick straight out in agony. Switching places, Prudence then receives a good striping as well, holding onto her classmate as she moans in pain.

This is a much tougher tryout than either of these girls expected, and there’s much more to come.

Part 2 of 7

Mila Grant, Susie Li, Violet Haze

File Name : A Gymnastics Lesson 2-HD.mp4
File Size : 1147.37 MB
Resolution : 1920×1080
Duration : 00:08:11


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